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Fantasy map making Tutorial in .avi format

Want to know how to create a map like the one i drew for Cérthia?

Then this is the tutorial for you. Step by step i show you how to make the different parts of the map with the help of Paint Shop Pro 8 which you can use in your book.

Tutorial 1: Outline and Realistic coast

Tutorial 2: Coast around island

Tutorial 3: Mountains

Tutorial 4: Forests

Tutorial 5: Lakes

Tutorial 6: Text on map

Tutorial 7: shading the map - coastline & filling lakes

Tutorial 8: Old paper look

Messed up a little when i did this tutorial serie, was getting late when i got the the last ones... called number 7 for 6, so pleace don't blame me to hard for making a few mistakes here and there. I'm only human!

Johan Forsblom, 2008.05.01